The Podcast
Quiz Quiz Bang Bang is a weekly pub trivia practice podcast. For three weeks out of the month it is straight questions and answers as read by the hosts Annie and David Flora. Once a month we invite friends to join us on the podcast for a live game of quiz bang trivia to add the humor, thought processes, and fun.
The show’s format is 4 rounds of 4 questions each with a quick-fire Bang Bang Round after Round 2. After Round 4, a final Big Bang round caps off the show with 3 questions, the answers of which are hints to one final question. Scoring would work as follows: Rds 1-4: 10 pts/correct answer; Bang Bang: 2 pts./correct answer; Big Bang: no pts for the clue questions; wager up to your point total for the final question.
The Hosts
The show is hosted by Annie and David Flora. Annie and David met in Chicago when they were cast in multiple improv shows together. Together they have performed at ComedySportz, IO, The Second City, The Comedy Shrine, The Playground, and several festivals in Chicago and around the country. David hung up his improv shoes to launch Blurry Photos, a podcast that explores the unexplained and explains the unexplored, which was voted Best Podcast by the Chicago Reader in 2017. Annie hung up her improv shoes to take a nap. David and Annie joined Cat Party in 2018, a trivia team, which sparked the idea for the podcast. They now live in Colorado and host live trivia monthly all around the Crested Butte area. Sign up to the newsletter for info on upcoming live events!

Annie and David are proud to have led charity fundraising efforts for both UNICEF vaccine efforts and organizations that help the Black community through Triviaction. In total they have raised over $8,000 for these charities.