Tag: animals

  • Ep 105: General Trivia

    Ep 105: General Trivia

    On Today’s Trivia Podcast Episode Annie and David discuss Blue-ringed octopuses and have another 20 questions for you: What are the Russian 19th and 20th century jeweler Peter Faberge’s most famous creations shaped like? The four major blood groups are determined by the presence or absence of two what, which are on the surface of…

  • Ep 17: General Trivia

    Ep 17: General Trivia

    Time for more practice trivia on another episode of Quiz Quiz Bang Bang! Annie and David have a variety of trivia from sports, history, film, animals, martial arts, and more! A handful of questions have come in from listeners as well. Brush up on your knowledge of French diplomats, Film theme composers, and Legend of…

  • Ep 13: General Trivia

    Ep 13: General Trivia

    David and Annie are back again with another great game of fun trivia for you! Trivia categories this week include mythology, sports, films, animals, politics, and fun facts about Mary Todd Lincoln. If you’d like to submit questions for us to possibly use in a future episode, visit our Contact page on the website and…